Maxime Verhagen visits DENS and Brainport Smart District

Maxime Verhagen, chairman van Bouwend Nederland, visited DENS and Brainport Smart District on the Automotive Campus Helmond on Thursday, January 16, to obtain inspiration and knowledge about construction innovations that are being developed within Brainport. Verhagen: “Bouwend Nederland is in need for great innovations.
" Here in Brainport Smart District we learn what can be implemented elsewhere too. ”

Helmond entrepreneur Frans van den Heuvel (Building company Van den Heuvel), general board member of Bouwend Nederland, was also present during the visit. In the presence of mayor Blanksma and councilor Dortmans the future of the smart Helmond residential and working area was discussed as a large-scale experiment for new forms of building, living together, energy, water supplies and transport. Blanksma on legislation and innovation: “Let’s look together for space to experiment.”

Safe, sustainable power supply

DENS is developing a Hydrozine (also known as formic acid) generator that supplies sustainable electricity, completely free of harmful emissions and noise. This generator can be used for construction projects in the Brainport Smart District. DENS thus makes an important contribution to regional and national objectives in the field of spatial development and circularity.

Circular construction in Helmond

The hydrozine aggregate is one of many components that make up the innovative and circular character of the smart district. During his visit, Maxime Verhagen also saw other examples of circular projects such as social care and housing facilities, food production at home, energy sharing, shared mobility and data management by residents.

Business Challenge

Brainport Smart District is constantly looking for new ideas and innovations that make the neighborhood smarter. Up to and including February 29, new ideas can be submitted via the Business Challenge.

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