F&L Powerrental started working as a rental pilot partner with the DENS Hydrozine generator

The Netherlands is working hard on the energy transition, achieving the sustainable objectives.To achieve this goals, we will really have to work together to test the latest innovative technologies. That is why F&L Powerrental and DENS will carry out pilots with the Hydrozine generator especially for rental applications.

F&L Powerrental: Specialist in Sustainable Rental

F&L Powerrental, a well-known player in the world of festivals and events as a rental specialist of electricity, water and light for decades In addition to the event sector, requests are now also coming from other sectors such as construction and infrastructure, municipalities and the manufacturing industry where F&L Powerrental has currently conquered a prominent position in the market. By working daily on sustainable solutions and expanding an emission-free rental fleet, F&L Powerrental also strives for an emission-free and energy-efficient future.

Innovation with the Hydrozine Generator

The collaboration with DENS, developer of the Hydrozine generator, is a major step forward in the possibilities for an emission-free construction site. The generator generates electricity, based on the liquid hydrogen carrier Hydrozine. Hydrozine makes it possible to store and transport large quantities of hydrogen in standard stainless steel or plastic packaging units. The use is therefore very similar to that of conventional fuels such as diesel or petrol. The Hydrozine is converted back into hydrogen in the generator and then into electricity by a conventional fuel  cell. In this way hydrogen can be used in a user-friendly and safe way as an emission-free and sustainable energy source. Because both the reformer process and the conversion in the fuel cell take place at low temperatures, no harmful substances such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides or particulate matter are created. In addition, the process is completely whisper quiet.

“The cooperation with a rental partner is essential for us to gain a good insight into which aspects are important for a good rentable generator that can be widely deployed’” says Max Aerts, CEO of DENS. For example, together we will work especially with the user interface and various application areas.``

Investing in the future

“We are proud that we are the first lessor to be able to get started with this type of generator. As F&L Powerrental, our business is future-proof and we therefore invest in smart, sustainable solutions at an early stage. We have been following developments at DENS closely for 3 years. We all know the objectives of 2030 and 2050, so that means we have to start now to be ready on time.” said Ralph van Veen, director of F&L Powerrental.


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